Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Martha's Vineyard Dining

Over the summer on Martha's Vineyard we had some truly amazing meals. I have always enjoyed summer dining and never get tired of fresh seafood, salads and local tomatoes.

Choptank Oysters from The Port Hunter. The Port Hunter is a new restaurant in Edgartown located on Main St.

The Beach Plum Inn which was my favorite restaurant on the island. I loved the views and simple menu.

A chef came to the house and prepared the most delicious lobster salad over fried green tomatoes as a starter.

 Grilled lobster at the legendary Alchmey.

The Bite in Menemsha which was a favorite among the boys for fried food .

Scallops with Pork Belly at The Outermost Inn. The Outermost Inn was an incredible place to watch the sunset and is owned by James Taylor's brother.

Do you have a  favorite restaurant on the Vineyard?


  1. I need to try and make the lobster salad over fried green tomato--- it looks fantastic and I'll take lobster salad any day. Thanks for the great post!

  2. Yum everything looks so delicious! I wish I could have fresh seafood every day. We are planning on going to either Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket for our first anniversary and I will have to keep these restaurants in mind!

  3. You do a great job with your photography. Everything looks delish! Love your blog.

  4. We always loved brunch at the Blackdog Traven growing up.

  5. I have yet to go to the Chilmark Tavern!
    I finally made it to the Beach Plum and think it's one of the best meals I've had on the island.

  6. I can hardly wait to try the Beach Plum - we go to Martha's Vineyard every other summer, so we will be there next excited!!

  7. That food looks incredible. I've always wanted to visit Martha's Vineyard! The views from the Beach Plum Inn are gorgeous. What a perfect setting for an evening meal. I love it!
