Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Junior League Sale

This past weekend was The Junior League of Baltimore's Boutique Sale.

EAS, Lawyer Liz, Fashionable Caroline


  1. Wow! What great finds at your Junior League sale!

    One of my best volunteering experiences has been working at the JL Thrift Shop "Bloomin' Deals" in New Orleans. We would sort through bags for hours and hours in the little side house (with no AC in the summer - HOT!) but the rewards really came from seeing the smiles on the shoppers faces. We didn't have as many awesome finds as your shop had (although I do remember picking up a few Lillys myself!), however it was the year of and the year after Hurricane Katrina that I was working there, so people had lost a lot of things. The shop itself was adjacent to a neighborhood that had been completely flooded, so it was amazing to see how much people really needed the store in the wake of such a tragedy. We couldn't keep enough things in stock!

    You are seriously adorable in that tunic, girly!

  2. Great finds at your JL boutique! Hope it was a good fundraiser!

  3. I wish I were in the Baltimore area! So many gorgeous pieces at your Junior League Sale!

  4. looks like some great finds! ours somehow is not quite as fab as JLB's... what do you expect from the Frozen Tundra, aka where people wear Carhartt to weddings!



  5. So many goodies that I see!! Wish I was shopping there with you!

  6. Love the necklace!

  7. Hi! I have always wanted to come to that sale.

    I tagged you on my blog, you Socialite you! Come visit! Wendy

  8. oh my lord, that milly jacket? would so totally be mine!! haha if JL did that here in in san diego, it'd all be juicy and la rok! need to make it back to the east coast for shopping ASAP!

  9. I wish I'd known about this... I would've driven up to Baltimore. I'm in the Junior League of Washington, DC and we've got our big rummage sale Tossed and Found this weekend!

  10. That looks like an awesome shopping experience! I would have had a field day in there thats for sure!!

  11. I could not volunteer at something like that. It would cost me too much!! Love the silver. Love it!!!
