Monday, June 14, 2010

Q&A from KAG

I was tagged by the lovely KAG from Monograms and Martinis with a cute questionnaire.

Favorite Color:
Pink...(blush and bashful)

Favorite Brands/Designers:
Lilly Pulitzer, CK Bradley, J.Crew.

Favorite Restaurant:
The Raw Bar, Mashpee, MA…(the best lobster rolls)

Photography, Tailgating, Accessorizing, and Blogging.

Favorite thing about yourself:
My attention to visual detail…I can meet someone and remember their head to toe outfit but have no clue what their name was…(gotta work on the name part)

What does your room look like (color scheme, theme, etc.):
It’s a white palette with blue accents and a nautical flare.

If you could have dinner with 2 people (dead or alive) who would they be:
My grandmother who just passed away and Jerry Garcia.

What is your next “big splurge”:
I have had my eye on an Hermes bangle.

What is your favorite joke, quote, or saying:
"If you smile at me, I will understand 'Cause that is something everybody everywhere does in the same language." -Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Anything else you would like us to know about you (random fact)!?
I was in the 5th season of HBO's The Wire.

I have tagged 6 spectacular bloggers below!

Each person that is tagged can tag six new bloggers. Be sure to link to the person that originally tagged you and comment on their TAG post so they can read your answers.


  1. OOOOH thanks for tagging me! Fun questions. I love the Hermes bangle, too!

  2. per the norm, you are just too too fabulous!



  3. I loved reading your answers. And tres cool about "The Wire", one of my ALL time favorite shows. I can watch the series finale over and over. xo xo

  4. PS, a post please on how you ended up on The Wire!


  5. Just remember that the fair sex does not own the color pink. We are stealing it back, missy.


  6. so fun that you were on The Wire! xoxo KAG

  7. Blush and bashful like Julia Roberts wedding colors on Steel Magnolia's! So perfect!

  8. Hahahaaa...I am the same way! Head to toe outfit like I was working with a police sketch artist, name, not so much. Thank you for the tag! You used most of my answers...XXOO

  9. Hey cutie pie! Thanks so much for the tag! OMG you were on The Wire, coolest fun fact EVER!!!

    You NEEEEEED the Hermes bangle, that is too fabulous honey xoxox

  10. I did a whole post about "blush and bashful" for Where to Get Engaged. Check it out!

  11. Oh la la! Many thanks!!! I am going to play along right now!!! Xoxo-BLC
