Wednesday, January 4, 2012


 Pheasant Jumper


Tweed Vest

This past weekend I was talking about the possibility of starting a girl's shooting club. My first step would be to order some of the above items from Joules. Joules is a British company that specializes in upbeat countryside clothing and as far as I am concerned could totally improve my shooting.


  1. Ladies shooting club? Excellent idea! Joules is wonderful! When I lived in the UK, I went to their warehouse sale and it's definitely on par with Lilly Pulitzer's warehouse sale (overnight campers and massive lines)! Great post.

  2. Ladies shooting club sounds like a great idea! I love that jumper.

  3. If you indeed start such a club, keep JMOC in mind. And you could probably get a deal on rounds of targets and ammo at Loch Raven Trap. Call over there and talk to Vince, he's the manager. But don't hold it against him that he is a huge Steelers fan.


  4. It's amazing what clothes can give you the power and skill to do :) The shooting club sounds like a wonderful idea, I am anxious to hear if it takes off! Hope all is well and Happy New Year Toodles, Twirling Clare

  5. Well, I had better buy that vest, or else my life might just fall apart. L-O-V-E it, thanks for sharing!


  6. I have Joules wellies! They are the Millie Welly in navy with adorable grosgrain bows ( Love them!
    P.S. I am all about your new girl's shooting club. :-)

  7. Oh my gosh I love that scarf and the vest!!! I'm studying abroad in Scotland and I've already checked...there's a Joules store in Edinburgh :) I can't wait to shop there!

  8. Wish I lived in your neck of the woods! I'd join your club in a heart beat. I live in Northern CA and people look at you funny if you say you shoot or hunt. I do both.

  9. You do know that men at shooting clubs, for the most part, worry about what to wear almost as much as what to shoot.

  10. Oh my goodness, love those items! I had never heard of Joules before but I would definitely buy some of their products. Thanks for sharing! xo, LP

  11. Loving all of these items! They are gorgeous! Browsing through the site now and I am loving most things I see! Great picks!

  12. Some girlfriends and I have talked about the same thing! Love the sweater - a must have!

  13. You are sooo my kind of gal, I LOVE each of these beautiful items and am now going to go look each and every one of them up..thanks!

  14. My birthday is a week away. That sweater is going to be a gift to myself. You always pick the best and most unique things!

  15. Can that sweater please be our shooting club uniform?

  16. i just browsed their everything!

  17. gorgeous stuff, a girl's shooting club sounds so great! jealous I live too far to join

  18. Gorgeous clothing -- Happy New Year!

  19. Count me in if you decide to do this! Do shoot me an email with deets! xx

  20. Omg, we are totally living parallel lives. First the goopy, liquidy mashed potatoes for Christmas dinz and now the shooting play dates. My Chicks With Guns book arrived yesterday and immediately launched me into full Eastern Sho' girl mode. I spent 30 mins googling local "hunt", "shooting", "wing" and "gun" clubs. Theeen I told Babe I wanted a new gun when we got in bed last night and how we needed to come up with a "plan" and "roles" for a late night intruder attack, you know, along the lines of a fire escape plan. He loooved how I elected myself to man the gun while his job was to call 911. He said, so let me get this straight, you stay here and fight off the bad guy while I run screaming HEEELP out in the street??? Lol!!! XXOO

    ps...I'm with QBS, I'll just DIIIIE if I don't get that pheasant sweater!

  21. Sorry to be tardy for the party but you know I'm in like Flynn! Can't wait to hear the details. You know how to find me!!! Must load the Chick with Guns book to my new Kindle. Choose the date and I'm yours. Allie, you must come down for a "meeting".

  22. This is too funny--I just stumbled upon the Joules website last week and had it in the back of my mind as a potential post. Great minds must think alike!
