Friday, January 20, 2012


For New Years Eve we headed to Rehoboth Beach with Rudder's Parents, A&T and the Country Couple.

The house was filled with the most beautiful needlepoint creations that Rudder's great-grandmother had made.

We stayed with two very bad dogs...Rudder and his brother Captain Henry. While everyone was preparing dinner they snuck out undetected, took a dip in the ocean and made their way to the boardwalk. Luckily someone spotted them and called to inform us of their whereabouts. It was hard to be mad at those adorable faces.

 Dinner was a surf 'n' turf birthday celebration.  

 After eating dinner we all gathered around the fire...

and enjoyed some drinks and a rather intense game of Taboo. It was girls vs. boys and the girls came out ahead.  

Finally it was time for birthday cake! The country couple have their own chickens hence the chicken themed cake from Grauls.


  1. Oh my gosh....Rudder and Captain Henry! I love them. I am lucky enough to live with THREE labs who keep me on my toes!!!

  2. Those pups are absolutely adorable. Golden Retrievers are the only way to go in my opinion!

  3. That picture of the dogs is hilarious! They look like they know they are in trouble! and how didn't they freeze? I guess dogs don't care! and that chicken cake is cute! Very appropriate for where I grew up, ha

  4. Awe too cute, Captain Henry and Rudder. Love the nautical names... clearly they live up to them by taking a secret dip in the ocean!!

    EAS... Newbie blogger *needs* your help! Pretty please.... Could you check out my latest blog post and let me know your favorite option? I want as much input as possible before I change my blog name to something worse than my current name lol. Any willing readers are of course also invited to comment. Thanks so much xx (ps you have an honorary mention as my decision-making-helper!)

  5. Looks like a fabulous, relaxing NYE! Those pooches are too cute and I must try Taboo! My favorite party game is Catch Phrase and we actually spent some time playing at our NYE celebration!

  6. Ok, if compliments make you blush, look away, buuuut you're a genius and your advice is spot on aaaaand I think I've found it! Knot Just Nautical. What do you think, EAS? ps, Let the tide pull your dreams ashore is a long title but memorable and sweet! I just wish it was so I wasn't so prone to making typing mistakes when I try and get my morning pre-caffeine blog fix. Haha xx

  7. @sundresses... Have you tried Cranium? We get fiercely competitive! Add mild intoxication and the relief of being a weekend and you've got some serious FUN on your hands.

  8. Yay!! Your pictures always capture the highlights of an evening so beautifully and this is no exception. Those bad boys melt my heart! I think Capt Henry looks like the dapper dog on the needlepoint pillow in this week's earlier post!

  9. It's fun to see my house through others eyes. My mother would have loved the needlepoint compliments! Glad you had fun! Tina Baugherp

  10. I just adore your posts, especially when you're out and about, you share the funnest things. That needlepoint is perfect, what a pretty pillow. And Captain Henry and Rudder... how can you resist those faces?!

    Sending you a smile,

  11. You have a lovely blog! I am captivated by the photo of the Dogs!

  12. Mrs. B, We had a blast at the house...thank you!!!!

    I thought the same thing about Capt. Henry being a twin of the pillow...that’s why I picked it! I have literally been obsessed with him ever since he hopped in my bed at the beach...I told JCW all I want for Valentine's Day is some time with Captain Henry! xx

  13. those pups are too cute! I spent NYE's in Rehoboth as well! Wish I had run into you!
