Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

I hope you all are coming down from your sugar highs. We had a wonderful time handing out candy, lit our first fire of the season and spent the rest of the night relaxing.

Lawyer Liz had a Halloween party over the weekend and one of her neighbors brought these fabulous cupcakes.


  1. Happy first Halloween in the new house!

  2. Happy belated Halloween! I love your jacket!

  3. sounds fun!

    ive been "stranded" at The Palace from Sandy...I guess its really not that bad ;)

  4. I will be detoxing for the next few weeks after all the sugary treats! ;)

  5. Creative cupcakes and of course I adore the Ravens candy corns! I returned home from Key West too late last night to see any of the cute kiddies but there is plenty of candy in my office today!

  6. Don't y'all look so cute! My kinderGators were certainly hyped this week with all the candy! Add a full moon and well let's just say it makes for grins and giggles! The fire sounds fab!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  7. Cutee!!

  8. Great photo of the two of you! It actually inspires me to ask an opinion on mens Barbour. It looks like your fiancee is wearing either the beaufort or bedale? I'm thinking of buying one for my dad for Christmas but cannot decide between the two! Do you have any insight? Many many thanks!
