Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On the Road

Over the weekend we spent a lot of time in the car traveling to a wedding in Cape Charles, VA. I loaded up on Sweet Leaf Tea for the trek back and we listened to This American Life.  
JCW couldn't wait to get to Bojangles' and I may have even indulged in some fries but I am blaming that on the jack & gingers from the night before.

I had ample time to admire my fall nail color "Chubby Cheeks" when I wasn't reaching for the registration in the glove box.


  1. Bojangles is an essential hangover cure.

  2. I have to say I do believe Virginia is the toughest state around when it comes to speeding, not that I'm saying y'all were!! I love your nail polish and since I own your shirt I will be looking for some Chubby Cheeks this afternoon. Hope you had a lovely time at the wedding!

  3. Bo Jangles is always my guilty pleasure when I am in the South!!!

  4. sle, the wedding was beautiful (will do a post) and unfortunately we did get a speeding ticket. The second time we were pulled over JCW, let me do the talking and the nice officer sent us on our way! You are going to love the polish. xx

  5. Love the polish. I have yet to try Bojangles.

  6. "The Second Time" doesn't surprise me at all. Not in Virginia anyway. Glad to hear you were able to talk your way out of the second ticket. JCW should take notes.
