Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bachelor Party Bounty

JCW brought back fish that was caught at a bachelor party in Florida and we decided to make Fish Tacos. Fresh fish was welcomed as opposed to coming back with another lost wedding band. Fish Tacos are a meal that we have no problem agreeing on. He grilled the Snapper and I prepped the fixings...
  • Remoulade: Sriracha, Lime, Mayo
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Cabbage
  • Garnish with a Lime
Do you have a favorite summer meal?


  1. Love a good fish taco! I've been on a corn salad kick lately...1-2 ears of fresh corn mixed with a diced avocado, baby kale, cilantro and drizzled with an evoo/lemon juice vinaigrette.

  2. Yum! I'm always looking for ways to expand my food-making repertoire (it is very limited right now)... I may have to try fish tacos of my own!


  3. We love fish tacos, but I cheat a little and use deli coleslaw... and a wedge of lime. The lime always makes it look fancy!

    Warmly, Kathleen
