Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Celebrating Mother's Day

After church we went to Woodberry Kitchen for brunch. They gave all of the Moms lavender plants wrapping in burlap.

I am so very lucky to live in the same city as my Mom...I can't imagine it any other way.

For brunch I had the Crab Shirred Eggs and they where fabulous.


My Mom had the most beautiful selection of flowers for my Grandmother and Great Grandmother's graves.

Prepping for Mother's Day...

My sister and I headed to Land's End.

I had my eye on a new beach towel but we tried to stay focused on finding Mother's Day gifts.

You can never have to many canvas totes.

Bring on the brights.

Lands' End had such a great children's section.

One more stop at Loehmann's where we found Pucci scarves on sale.


  1. Erin you and your mom look beautiful! I admit I am jealous that you and your mother live in the same town! Love the lavender plants in burlap, such a nice treat from the restaurant. Your dish looked divine! Such fum presents for Mom too. Glad you had such a nice celebration! :)

  2. Nice tunic; I love the blue!

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful celebration. You and and JCW are such a stunning couple. xo xo

  4. Damn...those eggs look delicious....
    And if you two are not married yet I am suggesting he get shopping for the ring...maybe you are certainly seem suited...

  5. What a lovely Mother's Day - and you look lovely too! Those scarves are gorgeous!

  6. That picture of you and your Mom is gorgeous! I love your dress! So jealous of your sale finds! Have a great day! xoxo

  7. Your dress is so pretty, so glad to hear you had a wonderful mother's day!

  8. LOVE the tunic and you all had a fabulous day :)



  9. Your lunch just made me hungry! Love the shopping pics

  10. What a beautiful picture of you and your Mother! And your hubby is pretty cute too!

  11. I hope you nabbed some of those PUcci scarves! Were they cheap enough to make pillows from? XXOO

  12. Speaking of tunic's... I have been wanting to ask you where you got this one. I can't tell from the pictures if it's a tunic or a dress, but I love the colors. My guess is Jules Reid??
