Wednesday, July 28, 2010

High Cotton Ties

High Cotton Ties is located in Charlotte, North Carolina and makes 100% cotton, washable, hand-made bow ties and cummerbunds. High Cotton not only offers a stylish array of plaid, gingham, seersucker, and tattersall but they will also create custom designs. There is no minimum order and the prices are pretty much the same as their regular bow ties and cummerbunds. The only requirement is they need a 1/2 yard of cotton fabric for a bow tie and a yard for a cummerbund set. This is a great way to give your groomsman something unique in the fabric of your choice. You could also surprise your sweetie by using the material from his favorite pair of pants that no longer fit him.


  1. These are absolutely adorable, thank you for the lovely intro to High Cotton! I spot quite a few that my own bow tie loving gent would appreciate as well! :) (Love that you have a secret wish list for JCW haha!) Happy Wednesday! xoxox

  2. Love these! I'll have to visit their site and make my family members who live in Charlotte aware of High Cotton!

  3. i just love a southern gent in a bow tie!! muffy is constantly trying to get mr prep into a bow tie, maybe a giftie from high cotton is in order!!

  4. Gorgeous colors and prints! And aren't men in bowties just so charming??? :)

  5. Hi, I just found you over at a Twist of Lime. Congrats on your win. Love your blog. I just signed up as your newest follower :-) Awesome ties. I hadn't heard of them before.

  6. These are fabulous, I *love* the madras in particular!

    Sending you a smile,

  7. I equate bow ties with class and style. Love a man with a great bow tie... and perferrably nothing else! J/K, J/K, but no, I love men in bow ties. They know a thing or two about fashion.

  8. thanks so much for visiting my blog today! I live in Charlotte so am definitely going to have to check this place out - thanks for the great tip!!

  9. I just stumbled across your blog, and I am so happy I did! How precious! You had me at bowtie :)

  10. L-O-V-E these! I am going to view their website. Thanks!
