Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gifts for the Gents

Alden Shoe Tree, J.Crew

Mallard Needlepoint Coasters, Smathers & Branson

Maker's Bow Tie, Collared Greens

Shoe Horn, Col. Littleton

Doop Kit, J.Press

R2 Jacket, Patagonia

Bacon of the Month Club, The Pig Next Store

North Pole Tuxedo Shirt, Vineyard Vines

The Wire Complete Series, Amazon
Look for me in the 5th Season.

Big Green Egg

Col. Littleton Dresser Caddy, Kevin's

Argyle Socks, J.Crew

Aggie Beef Jerky, Texas A&M Department of Animal Science

Old Fashioned Slingshot, ReForm School

Ammo, Remington

Special thanks to the gents for realizing that half the fun is buying the gifts. Don't ask to return your gal's thoughtful gift...she is probably the one with the good taste anyway! I not naming names but JCW has been quick to ask where did you purchase this gift and do you have the receipt?


  1. Bacon of the Month club!!! Love it! :)

  2. I would actually like the Bacon of the Month club much more than my husband... I'm a bacon addict! hahah YUM!

  3. The shirt is clutch when worn with a classic black or navy tux and simple furnishings.

  4. The bacon of the month club is brilliant! I gave hubby cheese of the month from Artisanal Cheese our anniversary and have been struggling to figure out another club he'd like. Hubby is also a serial returner. I never let him forget that he returned the first Christmas present I gave him when we were dating. ;-)

  5. These are fabulous gift ideas! Love those coasters (& Smathers and Branson)

  6. Love your gift guide!! I posted a gift guide for men! Check it out!!

  7. I am loving your gift guides. Off to locate the Big Green Egg!

  8. Great gift guide. I find men in my family so hard to buy for and this year I'm struggling. I love the Tartan shirt! But then again my parents are both from Scotland so it is my genetic predisposition.

    Unfortunately Australian men don't wear it much unless it is a tartan flanelette shirt on a building site. Tragic I know!

  9. Surprise, surprise...I have a Col. Littleton item on an upcoming post! XXOO

  10. Well done, EAS! Big Green Egg = greatest invention known to man. I am very please with mine (

    S&B, Littleton, Patagonia, and the Bacon of the Month Club... Much better than the 'Jelly of the Month Club'.

  11. I am so glad you posted these wonderful gift ideas!! KBB
