Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This Fall Carpetbeggers in Reisterstown, Maryland had a Persian Rug Sale. There were two warehouses, one filled with beautiful rugs and another with antique Chinese furniture.
It's always more fun to shop when there's a tailgate.
They say the first thing you are suppose to buy for a room is the you know what my focus has been with the new house. The warehouses are only open by appointment. Call 443-835-3905 to schedule an appointment and let me know what you find.


  1. I had those exact Stubbs! Passed them on to my cousin when my feet grew from too much running. Sent her like 4 or more pair of the velvets. RIP :(

    ps...rugs and art, def worth the investment. The rest can be folding chairs and crap but, you will never, ever regret funneling fundage into rugs and art. Your heirloom pieces ;)

  2. Where did you get those cute dot pants???

  3. I am so sorry I missed this...especially since we really need some new rugs!

  4. I just checked in with my mom and her pants are from J.Crew...a couple years ago. xx
