Tuesday, October 28, 2014

S'well Bottle

I just discovered S'well Bottles, they keep drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12. The opening is wide enough for ice cubes and they can even hold carbonation. They come in an 9oz, 17oz and 25oz size. The 25oz bottle will hold an entire bottle of wine.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Have ordered a small one for morning iced coffee and a large one for wine at night. And congratulations to you & your husband as you prepare for parenthood! -KLV in PHL

  2. We have a couple and they are the best!! i've filled them up with margaritas and brought them to the beach and they are perfect for golf too. They really do stay cold; & if you add in ice it won't melt.

  3. These are soo cool, I love that they stay hot and cold for so so long. I think these will be perfect Christmas gifts.
