Friday, April 17, 2015

Patricia's House

I couldn't wait for the new season of Southern Charm to air. I just love seeing glimpses of  Patrcia Altschul's home that was decorated by Mario Buatta.

Check out the piece from Architectural Digest for more fabulous images. 


  1. Wow - it's gorgeous, but it seems like such a formal house. I have Architectural Digest...haven't even opened it yet!

  2. I agree, I love every glimpse of her house that we can get!

  3. Isn't she a hoot! I love her...I was in her old house in Oyster Bay and it was spectacular...she is so entertaining and has such fabulous style. Hope you are well!

  4. It is to die for!! I watch the show,just so I can get peeks inside...
