Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Farewell Magazines

Condé Nast Publications announced yesterday that they are closing Gourmet, Modern Bride, Elegant Bride, and Cookie. Here's to an end of an era...
with every end comes a new beginning...

It was so sad to see Domino Magazine fold last year but I am very excited for Lonny, a new interior design magazine. Lonny launced October 1st and is the brainchild of Michelle Adams. Michelle Adams worked at Domino and ending up leaving the magazine to start Rubie Green, an organic fabric line.


  1. Oh it is so sad that all of those things are not going to be here anymore. I hope RealSimple and Martha Stewart Living dont go under to!

  2. Congratulations on a beautiful blog. I'm so glad I found it at last. I read through Lonny this weekend and am impressed. It's a great new format to bring shelter magazines back to their faithful design followers. Maybe this is the beginning of something really wonderful in publishing.
    973 Third Avenue
