Friday, October 7, 2011

Monkey Bread with a True Prep

In honor of my sister's birthday this weekend I wanted to share her recipe for Monkey Bread. She is the queen of Monkey Bread and makes it every holiday. She skips the walnuts and raisins but whips up a white icing that she drizzles over the finished product. Whenever it's in the oven we both would rather skip the meal and head straight for dessert. Seeing Lisa Birnbach learn to make monkey bread takes me back to when SAS and I met her at a "True Prep" book signing last year.

Have you seen the new paperback edition?

Our claim to fame photo from The Washington Post article last September...I am constantly checking out people's accessories and Lisa Birnbach was no exception.

Happy birthday SAS...may all of your dreams come true baby sis. xx


  1. I remember when yall met her...has it really been a year?!! Time flies!

  2. What a great claim to fame - I'd say that pic is a framer!

    We love monkey bread in our house too. When we were little girls Mom would assign us all a different task ... cutting the biscuits, mixing the cinnamon and sugar, tossing the biscuits in the mixture. The good ol' days :)

  3. Thanks for sharing the Monkey Bread recipe, I will have to try! Great picture of you and Ms. Prep herself, I am sure she had the perfect prep accessories! Have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  4. Oh this is bringing back memories.I haven't made this in awhile. Will try her recipe for sure!! Yum!

    PS Come let me know what you think of my Autumn decor and enter my New Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  5. i love love love monkey bread. So cool that you were in the Washington Post!

  6. I monkey bread! That is so cool you were in the Washington Post!

  7. Love your blog, hate "True Prep," the latter being an inauthentic waste without the contributors/authors of TOPH who made it brilliant.
