Monday, February 27, 2012


We had a truly wonderful weekend at the beach and it looks like I am going to be ESW.

This was the morning after JCW proposed so stay tuned for much more to come.


ERB said...

Love the new initials! Can't wait to celebrate with you guys next weekend! xoxo

lizziefitz said...

Thank the lord!!! So very happy for you both!!! You are going to make one gorgeous bride:))))) I can not wait to follow along. Your Pinterest boards are going to be jammed over the next months. Congratulations soon to be ESW!!!!!

Sarah said...

Congrats! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Sarah Brooke said...

SO happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh congratulations!!

DawnW said...

YAY! Congratulations!

The Swanky Socialite said...

Oh My Goodness!!! WOW!!!!! So happy for you, can't wait to hear the details!! Congratulations!!!!

Whitney and the Preppy Puppies said...

HUGE congratulations!!!! I am super happy for you and wish you much happiness! xo xo

Unknown said...

Congrats to you!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Sue said...

How exciting for the two of you. You will make such a beautiful bride. I can't wait to hear all the details. xoxo

Acemommy said...


TWA said...

OMG ERIN! Congrats, I have always been wondering when you and JCW would finally tie the knot. Can't wait to hear all about the wedding planning.

Wicked Domestic said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear about all the planning! :)

Jeannie said...

Congratulations!!!!!! That is so exciting. Let the wedding planning begin!

Beth Dunn said...

AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a weekend you had. Congratulations

Portuguese Prepster said...

O my god!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to hear the full story. I was hoping you two would get engaged soon! so happy for you!

so anthro said...

Congratulations!! So very happy for you and what an adorable photo!

A Texas Gal said...


Jess at Just Rainbows and Butterflies said...

CONGRATS GIRL! What a fun and exciting time for you both! xoxo

My Life as A Plate said...

Congrats! So exciting! I cannot wait to hear the details.

eas said...

This is the best news! Congratulations to you and JCW. You are beaming already!

j.mosby said...

That's wonderful! Much happiness to you both! I see you'll be madking reservations to Club Wed:-)

I Do Declare said...

YAY! I can't wait to hear all the details!! Best wishes and Happy Engagement!

Anonymous said...

Yay yay yay!! Congratulations E! So happy for you!

Amanda C. Bee said...

Wahoo! Congratulations! This is so exciting for you! Have an amazing time planning, best of luck! Looking forward to all of the pins and blog posts! x

Claire said...

Congratulations! I cannot wait to hear more!!!!

#unmatched said...

congratulations!! so exciting!

April of Smidge Of This said...

I'm absolutely, positively thrilled for you! Congratulations and best wishes -- you will make a stunning bride!

Anonymous said...


I've been reading for a while, but first comment :)

By the way, WONDERFUL and gorgeous way to make the announcement!!


KAH said...

Congratulations!! That's so exciting!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear about it :)

LKF said...

Best Wishes on your engagement!

Annie said...

Woooohooooooo!!!! Congrats you two! Now we can plan together! Can't wait to see all of your ideas!

Unknown said...


Lindsey said...

Congratulations!! Such an exciting time for you and JCW!

TLA said...

Best wishes to you and congratulations to JCW! I'm sure you must be over the moon! We in blogland can't wait to hear the story!


Jennifer said...

How wonderful! Best wishes to you!

Anonymous said...

I am smiling from ear to ear from this news and I do not even know you, just enjoy your blog! Congratulations and many wishes for a blissful future together. Thank you for sharing your happiness.

Ciaokiki said...

Tremendous! Hope there was/ is lots of celebrating going on. Cheers!!! Wonderful news ;)

katmcd said...

WOOHOOO. Congrats. I can't wait to hear how he did it!

Just Meg said...

Congratulations!! Love this blog so much! In fact it’s part of my M-F morning routine!! What terrific news!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, you will be such a beautiful bride. I can't wait to see your selections for each perfect part of the wedding! The two of you seem to complement one another so well, much happiness ahead!

Long-time reader, but first-time commenter. Thank you for sharing your days with us!

Katiellirb said...

Congratulations!! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!

miss andrea lee said...

Congrats girl!! I'm so happy for you both!!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

How exciting for you!

Michelle said...

YAY! I can't wait to follow all the wedding planning ... it is bound to be an amazing event :)

girltuesday said...

another long-time reader, first time commenter: such lovely news! best wishes to you and congrats to jcw.

Bethany said...

So excited for you!!!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...


Megan said...

Congratulations, so exciting!!! Love how you wrote your new initials in the sand!

Anonymous said...

A couple of thoughts: It's about time....he's a lucky guy....and congratulations!!

Patsy said...

Best wishes to you! Congratulations to the lucky groom!

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

so awesome...congrats!

Anonymous said...


VRB said...

This made my morning, congratulations to you! Let the planning begin!

From the West Coast,

Lauren Honea said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!! This is so exciting! Congrats! Welcome to the wedding planning world. So happy for you!

sSe said...

Congratulations! As excited as I am for your engagement, I'm even more excited to hear about your future wedding plans!

Lizzie said...


Dee Stephens said...

HOLY COW!!! I'm sure you're OVER.THE.MOON!!!

Melissa said...

Yay!!! CONGRATS!!! So exciting!

Unknown said...

Good afternoon from L.A.!

Congratulations on your engagement! What wonderful news! I can only imagine the new adventures you'll go on together. Many blessings to you both~this journey is the most exciting and precious one you'll ever take.



Steel Magnolia said...

Best wishes on your engagement! Have FUN and take time to truly cherish this very special time in your lives!


Sydney Carver Snyder said...

Such an exciting weekend for you! I could not be more happy and excited for you!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!! xoxo!

JR Mazur said...

much love and congratulations to you!!!

Glitterista said...

Ahhhh--CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Hope you're enjoying all of the fun and excitement together with JCW. Can't wait to hear all about your planning process. xoxoxo

Once Was a Girl said...

Absolutely thrilled with your news! I always enjoy your blog for its warmth and sincerity. It always reminds me of what is important in life amongst all blog chatter.

Best Wishes!
(Atlanta via Summer is a Verb)

The Pink Pagoda said...

Congratulations!! With your lovely taste, you will have a lovely wedding!! I hope you'll be sharing lots of photos of events!

Southern Comfortable said...

Yea! Ring pics please!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congrats to you both!

KAG said...

congrats! enjoy being engaged, it goes way tooo fast! xo KGB

Tammy B said...

Best Wishes to you!

Cas said...

Congratulations! He is a very lucky man!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Along with everyone else, I'm very excited to read about all of your fabulous wedding planning! Plus now you have an excuse to shop for lots of new monogrammed items ;-)

Lilly Forever! said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful time in your life! Maybe you will do a post on the proposal! Enjoy the journey!

Matters of Style said...

Yay!!! He is a very lucky man!!!

Royar said...

I am so excited for you! Congratulations to the both of you! XO

sle said...

Happy! Happy! Happy!! You will be a beautiful bride!!

KatiePerk said...

Best Wishes!! That is wonderful news!!

Belle on Heels said...

Such lovely news! Best wishes to you and congrats to JCW. Our engagement was just the best time; I'm sure it will be equally fabulous for you. Enjoy and happy planning!

P.S. We tried out Grilled Cheese and Co. on Saturday. Can you say "new addiction"?! SO yummy!

Buckhead Belle said...

Congratulations!! You are going to be the most stunning bride!

Pink Champagne said...

Hooray! What fantastic news! (and so many things to monogram with your new initials...) I cannot wait to hear all about the proposal - happy planning! XX

Katie Rudder said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you!!!!!

Holly said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more!

Nelle Somerville said...

Oh my GOSH!!! The ONE DAY I don't read your best news ever!!! So excited for you both EAS soon to be ESW. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Now we must toast at WK soon! So happy for you. xoxo, Nelle

AEOT said...

Congratulations!!!!! What exciting news! I'm so happy for you both- long awaited it seems! It'll be an amazing period of planning and an even better day, I'm sure!!

ms. mindless said...

Best wishes for a happy engagement! I am sure you are planning the wedding of the century. It will be wonderful to follow along on your blog.

JMW said...

Yayyy! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more about the proposal. It's going to be quite a year for you!

Dex said...


Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

THANK YOU all for the wonderful wishes! xx

living well said...


Alexandra Bee Blog said...

HIP HIP HOORAY!! Love that you put your new initials in the sand! Can't wait to learn more and see that ring up close!

Whitney from Washington said...

Yaaaaaaay! CONGRATS girl! I LOVE the soon-to-be new initials! I can't wait to hear all about it! Being engaged is so much fun and I can't wait to follow your blog during this super exciting time!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all about i.

CAC muffin said...

OH MY GOSH ENGAGED!!!!! THATS AWESOME CONGRATS!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh! Yay!!!!! You are going to have so much fun planning!!! xoxo

EKS said...

Congratulations!! (from a fellow engaged Baltimore girl who happens to love your blog)

Lindsay // Vineyard Loveknots said...

So happy for you and can't wait to hear all about your wedding planning - you better keep us posted along the way! :)

Unknown said...

So sorry to be late to the party!!! A big hearty congratulations on your engagement!!!! ESW is a beautiful monogram!

Please keep sharing as things develop. What a wonderful year this will be for you!!!

xo Elizabeth

Kelley said...

Congratulations!!!!! Wish you all the best!!!! xoxo Kelley