Tuesday, September 13, 2011

East Hampton Art

While I was in East Hampton I got to spend some time with my friend Char. She has always been an artist and an individual...hence her revamped Chanel bag.

I was able to poke around her studio and look at all of the works in progress.

A one of a kind pair of Loubs.

She had just finished a show in NYC called "Inner Alien".

Next on the art tour was John W. Codling's second exhibit, “Me I Play,” at The Waasteria Gallery, a former airplane hanger. The show was to be viewed while listening to Robin Thicke and Jay-Z’s “meiplé” collaboration. A reoccurring element in the exhibit were black Amex cards. Seeing the 200 plus works literally blew my mind. I would have loved to have seen his first show "Sundays with Chris".

Char & EAS

 JCW and I were very excited to see Utz Potato Chips (especially the crab chips) in the Hamptons.

For washing down the Utz chips.

This piece was comprised of receipts from spending "all the money bay bay".

The highlight for JCW was when JWC took him up in the Sky Jack...he had been eyeing it all night.

Char and I even took a field trip to see Jackson Pollock's studio and grave.

I started thinking about my roots as an artist and how I missed spending time in the studio. For me it was about the process and not so much the finished product. I came to a realization that I see the world as an installation which constantly inspires me and working on this blog is my studio time.

Special thanks to Char for reminding me that I have other loves besides monograms, ruffles and the color pink. Our time together meant so much...I love you. xx


Summer is a Verb said...

Too funny cuz I immediately thought of Jackson Pollock while looking at the splattered Loubs...XXOO

Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

An exhibit that includes black american express cards sounds pretty interesting!

Erin said...

Love it! Esp the chanel and lb's.

Nelle Somerville said...

Love that you got inspired and realize that your blog is a work of art. Truly! And it takes a TON of time. Well done you good and faithful artist!! xoxo

The Preppy Princess said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one who thought Jackson Pollock when seeing the shoes, I feel better knowing others thought the same! She is immensely gifted, what a joy to spend some time with her, it sounds like it was food for the soul.

Sending you a smile,

j.mosby said...

The artwork reminds me of Warhol's friend Jean-Micheal Basquiet work!

Lamb said...

Love all the artwork in her studio! And that she was daring enough to draw on a Chanel! I would be too scared to mess up, haha! Obviously.. I am not as artistically inclined.

xo lamb

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

I love the opportunity to be "artsy!"