The Liquor Store is J.Crew's menswear only boutique located at the 1825 Tribeca Tavern in NYC. The tavern's original mahogany bar functions as a counter and display area. J.Crew enlisted
Partners & Spade when it came to designing the store.

The oriental rugs, dark paneling, leather chairs, and antiques create a warm and inviting space.

The store carries lots of accessories like these
John Derian paper weights.
You can find everything from steamer trunks to vintage Rolex watches and alligator belts.

My favorite item at the Liquor Store is the
canvas tote by
ACL. A big selling point for me is that the bags are made in Ellicott City, Maryland and that's proudly stamped inside. You gotta love supporting a local manufacturer.
The Liquor Store is on my must see in NYC list...have you been?